Reach Out to Relevant Investors
Get a list of relevant investors. Personalized Emails. Follow-ups. Just $2 per investor.
Save up to 6 months of hard work
No more hassle collecting data
Reach out thousands of investors
Get meetings and raise money
Get limited early access
Your data will not be shared with anyone
Absolutely easy to use
Fill out the form
We will use info about your stage, round, sector to find relevant investors.
Approve investors
We will collect relevant investors and show you the results
Approve emails
We will write personalized emails for each investor based on their activity
Book a meeting
We will send emails and 4 follow-ups. Our aim is organize meetings
Emails investors wait for
We know exactly what VCs want to see in emails
“Numbers is the most important thing”
“Long email - is not a good move”
“Highlights should be catchy”
“Don’t waste your time on irrelevant investors”
“It takes ~6 months to close the round...”
“I was happy to hand it off…”
Our Partners
Press about us
Startups from these accelerators have approved this approach:
Dedicate your precious time to the product
We transformed an endless routine into a simple and efficient service for creating and sending investor emails.
Special Offer
Data gathering is EXHAUSTING and takes 3+ people
Only $2/investor $10
Relevant contacts are collected automatically
We don't know how to write an email that will be read
It’s about $100 for meeting
7 spots left
We’ve analyzed all public data and have personalized each email
Need to write separate emails to each investor
With a single button each investor gets a personalized email from you
Potential investors stay out of the loop
Potential investors receive regular follow-ups
Enduring team
Serial entrepreneur, built an entertainment company with USD$3.5m in turnover with only 13 people on the team, MOX #2 graduate, growth hacker
A few words about us and why we're the best team to build this
Serial entrepreneur, founder of Challenge App (2M members, raised over $3M, ranked #4 social app in the U.S. July 2020), MOX #2 graduate
Entrepreneur, founder of Polza marketing agency, 12 years in digital marketing and PR, eats marketing for breakfast
Yep, we use GPT-4 model combined with our own developments. You already had read a lot of news written by that algorithm. But we still kindly recommend you to read your emails before sending them right away.