Last Updated: July 28, 2022
HeyEveryone Board Diversity Statement
At HeyEveryone, we believe that opportunity should be limited only by an individual’s ability and drive. We are a global business and it is important to us to build teams that are as diverse as the customers and communities we serve.

For us, diversity is ensuring that we have employees with different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences. This brings diversity of thought, which is vital at every level of the business including at Board level.
We have a nominations and governance committee whose role it is to monitor the structure, size and composition of the Hiscox Ltd Board; to consider the succession plan for Board directors; and, when Board vacancies arise, to nominate, for approval by the Board, appropriate candidates to fill those roles.

When it comes to the recruitment of new Board members, the Committee considers all aspects of diversity, including but not limited to gender diversity, when recommending appointments to the Board in addition to a host of other criteria around skills, knowledge and experience. For example, the Committee has a policy to ensure that the candidate pool for each new appointment includes at least one female.

We are committed to seeking to improve our position on Board diversity when appropriate opportunities arise. Our Board diversity statement complements our diversity and inclusion policy and our equality policy statement, and we review our approach to Board diversity on a regular basis to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.